Help plant the City's new floating island! — Oldman Watershed Council

Help plant the City's new floating island!

New floating Islands in storm ponds use green technology for cleaner water

The City of Lethbridge has purchased BioHaven® Floating Islands from VITA Water Technologies, for the West Highlands Storm Water Pond.  Installation is planned for June 9 and 10, 2014.

Floating Islands will enhance the environmental and biological health of the pond and create wildlife habitat in the same way as Mother Nature.

Installation of BioHaven® Floating Concentrated Wetlands (FCW) is a first for the City of Lethbridge.  The installation includes 12 floating islands, each with a surface area of 6 m2.

“A clean, environmentally friendly park system is very important to us and to residents,” says David Ellis, Parks Manager for the City of Lethbridge.  “These new floating islands will help to keep the water in storm ponds clean, while enhancing the park experience for residents.”

Erik Vandist, Managing Director of Vita Water Technologies, stated “VITA is proud to support Lethbridge as the first city in Western Canada to use Floating Concentrated Wetlands to clean water in a public pond and at the same time, add a beautifying water feature.”

FCWs are used in lakes, storm ponds, waste water ponds and dugouts to improve water quality.  The islands bio-mimic natural wetlands.  Bio-mimicry is the copying of natural processes.  As in nature, native plants and naturally occurring bacteria grow above and below the waterline of the island.  Plants and bacteria filter and remove unwanted nutrients and contaminants from the pond without the use of chemicals.

In 2000, inventor and outdoorsman Bruce Kania saw something that changed the way he looked at water.  His dog, Rufus, jumped into a pond and came out red.  Concerned for his dog and the condition of the water, Bruce saw a need to improve water quality in nature.  Bruce knew floating peat bogs improve the water quality of waterways.  Bruce set out to “bio-mimic” these floating structures.

More than 5,400 islands have been launched in North America, the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Korea and China.

In addition to cleaning water, FCWs have other applications.  These include the control of shore erosion, docks for watercraft and as recreational platforms. Floating Islands enhance wildlife habitat and beautify ponds in both urban and rural settings.  FCWs may be custom shaped and come in sizes from 2.5 m2 to 4,000 m2.  Each island will improve water quality for 15 years.

We are looking for volunteers to help out with planting and other duties.  If you would like to help out please contact Taren Hager and she will provide you will the details (see contact information below).  Snacks and beverages will be provided, along with gloves and safety vests!


Taren Hager, B.Sc
Storm Pond Operations Technician
City of Lethbridge
304 Stafford Drive North
Ph: (403) 380-7313
Cell: (403) 393-3252

For more information, check out the storm pond website!
