Update on the flood situation - your input required — Oldman Watershed Council

Update on the flood situation - your input required

(Editor's note: Well, we had quite a day yesterday. Right on the June anniversary of last year's devastating floods, we have been hit heavily again. Many people have had to evacuate their homes - and many of those people had not even recovered from the damage from last year.

We send out our heartfelt wishes to everyone whose homes, crops and livestock was endangered or impacted by the recent flooding. 

Unfortunately, the whole topic of torrential rain and flooding makes it hard for the uninitiated to understand that we live in a semi-arid landscape - beige, treeless, dry, rattlesnakes and cacti .... not the lush verdant green of England. 

Why do we need to plant drought-resistant plants when we are hit by floods? Why should we move to xeriscaping our gardens? Why should we reduce the lawn in our yards? Why shouldn't we water to our heart's content and why can't I wash my vehicles in the driveway? Who says it's my job to clear the storm drains and what has that got to do with the quality of my drinking water? And hey - are we going to have to boil water again next time?!

The answer to these questions and more are available THIS SATURDAY on a FREE PRAIRIE URBAN GARDEN TOUR. There will be refreshments, presentations by experts and the OWC Staff on hand to help you understand more about how your activity is either a help or a hinderance to clean, plentiful drinking water for everyone for years to come. We are counting on a beautiful day.

Please visit www.prairieurbangarden.ca to register - it's free, but we do need to plan.

There's more!

If you are interested in why we are having such stressful "weather events" - if you feel that it's time for you to TAKE ACTION and be a positive influence on watershed management and health - we really need you. It takes everyone's engagement to build a better future. 

Please join us at our AGM. We would really love to see you there.)


Oldman Watershed Council 2014 Annual General Meeting

                    Friday, June 20
                    is the deadline to register
                    for the OWC AGM

OWC Members

Be Informed: 

  • What has the OWC accomplished this past year?  We will find out through some networking, teamwork and competition - we have some great prizes from generous sponsors to give away.    

  • Are dry dams a good idea? Guest speaker Shirley Pickering will share her personal story of the 2013 flood and how the proposed options to prevent future flooding will impact the Little Bow watershed. 
  • Are recreational user fees necessary? Adam Driedzic will share his findings from across the western USA for managing recreational use of public land. 

Be Involved:

  • Find out what new projects are starting, talk to volunteers who have been involved in projects and learn how your help is vital.
Your vote counts:
  • We will be putting forward a motion to change how we appoint board members in our bylaws so that we will be eligible to fundraise through casinos.

and, of course - a nice hot lunch and great snacks!

AGM Agenda
Register Now!

Wednesday June 25, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 3:15 PM MDT
Add to Calendar

Enmax Western Canadian Bank Lounge
2510 Scenic Drive South
Lethbridge, AB T1K 7V7
Driving Directions
Cost:  $25 members; $35 non-members; $10 students
Lunch included

Flooding, boil water advisories, hail, fire...

Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to what's happening in your watershed!

Your input and involvement is critical! Only by working together can we overcome these challenges.
For more information please contact:
Bev Bellamy
Oldman Watershed Council