Introducing Kelsey Kayak - "A Young Voice for the Oldman" — Oldman Watershed Council

Introducing Kelsey Kayak - "A Young Voice for the Oldman"


My name is Kelsey Kayak and I am 15 years old. I'm the newest guest blogger at the Oldman Watershed Council. 

I would like to share my experience with our watershed and become a young voice for the Oldman. 

I live in Lethbridge, Alberta, with my parents and am going into Grade 10. I care about our watershed because I spend most of my time outside; I hike, bike, and, of course, kayak. It's important to me that we help keep our environment clean. 

That's me in the middle - Kelsey Kayak! Mom and Dad are to the left and right and we are out on Okanagan Lake.
I've been nominated to the Green List twice. Once for cleaning up garbage while I kayak, and once for picking invasive weeds. The Green List is a City of Lethbridge initiative that recognizes individuals and businesses who are taking positive action on behalf of the environment.

This year, I went into the "2014 Caring For Our Watershed Competition" and won second place. My idea was a Storm Drain Survival Kit which includes everything you need to help clean out your storm drains and gutters.

Please visit my Storm Drain Survival Kit at:


How Do I Get a Storm Drain Survival Kit?

Kits are FREE and available at many events throughout the year. Some of those events include; Yellow Fish Road Program, Prairie Urban Garden Tour, Environment Week Events, Lethbridge Home and Garden, Green List Celebration and many more!
Contact to pick up a kit at one of the following locations:
City Hall 4th Floor, Stafford Centre, Helen Schuler Nature Centre & OWC Agriculture Research Centre.
I look forward to telling you more about the watershed as "The Young Voice of the Oldman" in future blogspots.
All for now, 
Kelsey Kayak