Here's what happened when some determined people decided to make a difference — Oldman Watershed Council

Here's what happened when some determined people decided to make a difference

(Editor's note: So that shout-out for volunteers?! WORKED MAGIC.
Thank you to EVERYONE who responded so whole-heartedly
to lovin' our Watershed!

Volunteers having a good time and lovin' the Watershed
During last week’s Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup the 5 most common items found along the east bank of the Oldman River near the Nature Centre in #YQL were: Glass Pieces (< 2.5 cm); Cigarette Butts; Plastic Pieces (< 2.5 cm); Food Wrappers; and Beverage Cans

Overall 20+ bags of human-generated refuse was collected and removed from less than a 1.5 km stretch of our shoreline (that is nearly 1 bag of garbage for every 75 metres of shore!).

Improperly disposed of trash can wreak havoc on our local aquatic ecosystem – in fact, members of our cleanup crew found a discarded river raft, the rope of which entangled a bird causing its premature death

Shoreline litter is completely preventable if we all take responsibility for putting our trash where it belongs (among other efforts such as minimizing the amount of trash generated to begin with)!

A big thank-you to our amazingly-awesome and friendly participants who took action
towards making a difference!  This year’s cleanup had 59 registered participants – almost three times last year! 

If you are interested in joining our environmental cleanup efforts 
 in and around #Lethbridge (like the Shoreline Cleanup or the Coulee Cleanup), 
please get in touch!

Thank you for the generous support of this year's Shoreline Cleanup from organizers at:
 Oldman Watershed Council (OWC) & Helen Schuler Nature Centre, as well as to Real Canadian Superstore in Lethbridge for providing snacks and drinks for our volunteers 

Curtis Goodman
Resource Development Coordinator
Helen Schuler Nature Centre
Lethbridge, Alberta  
Office: 403-320-4985