Watershed Legacy Program Media Release — Oldman Watershed Council

Watershed Legacy Program Media Release

(Editor's note: This event is NOT open to the public, but we thought you'd be interested in hearing about what's happening out at the conservation site! 
Any and all enquiries - from media, landowners or the public - are most welcome.)

Celebrating Collaboration!
Event is Thursday, September 18th, 2014 - Timber Ridge Conservation Site

MEDIA RELEASE – September 12, 2014

The Oldman Watershed Council (OWC) along with local landowners, Glen & Kelly Hall of the Timber Ridge Conservation Site, and the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), are taking a day to celebrate collaboration and film their successes!

The Halls partnered with ACA in 2010 to purchase Timber Ridge - a half section of land located high in the north end of the Porcupine Hills. It is land with pristine springs, and a diverse population of wildlife. The couple is thrilled to be able to steward it in its natural state.

The partnership is an exciting combination of ranching and conservation, supported by the OWC's Watershed Legacy Program (WLP). This program provides financial and technical support to  watershed stewardship groups (WSG's) and landowner cooperatives. By coordinating efforts throughout the basin, the WLP aims to conserve and enhance our natural resources and the rural way of life and promote "sustainable ranching".

On September 18th, we are celebrating this collaboration at the Timber Ridge Conservation Site with a filmed tour. Videographers will be capturing the spectacular landscape and the teams that have worked so hard to put these initiatives into place. The filming is part of a larger OWC collaboration: a documentary film highlighting how humans and their diverse interests impact watershed management and health across southern Alberta.

Due to the limited number of overland vehicles, and the fact that we are on sensitive habitat, media access is restricted to the morning session (9:30am – 10:30am). Experts will be outlining the history of the ranch and giving an overview of the different collaborations on this site. Questions about the film project are also welcomed.

The Oldman Watershed Council (OWC) is a community-based, not-for-profit that works with everyone to find practical solutions to environmental challenges that impact us all. People depend on a healthy environment but we also need a healthy economy and we have social and cultural needs too. Everything is connected so we must work together to make trade-offs, solve problems, plan for the future and have the quality of life we want right now.

The event is NOT open to the public because we are sensitive habitat.

Contact: Leta Pezderic at 403-381-5801 or leta@oldmanbasin.org
