Provincial Fisheries Regulations Revision- Stakeholder Consultation — Oldman Watershed Council

Provincial Fisheries Regulations Revision- Stakeholder Consultation

(Editor's Note: This is an open invitation from the ESRD to everyone to contribute to the future of fisheries management in Alberta. Have your say! See: for more information on an example fish project. 
See also:

You are invited to participate in a stakeholder consultation to seek input for consideration in the revision of the General Fisheries (Alberta) Regulation (1997) and the Fisheries (Ministerial) Regulation (1997). The fisheries regulations support the Fisheries (Alberta) Act in managing Alberta's fisheries. These regulations encompass a diverse array of subject areas, affecting many of our province's stakeholders. 

The current fisheries regulations expire on 31 October 2015. Your feedback is important in helping to amend the in-scope sections of these regulations and to help us balance the preferences of Albertan's with the future of our fisheries.

The Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development have contracted Stantec Consulting Ltd to conduct an online stakeholder engagement initiative. There are two opportunities to provide your feedback until 31 December 2014:

Indicator species: Westslope Cutthroat Trout - species at risk

Firstly, we invite you to complete our confidential public survey which is at the following URL (you may exit the survey and then return to where you left off by clicking this link each time):

Secondly, you are invited to participate in further discussion around certain regulatory topics at our MindMixer website which can be found at:

Please disseminate this invitation widely amongst your members and affiliates.
All sections of the fisheries regulations are in scope for review and consultation except for the following, which are out-of-scope:
  • Sections specific to commercial fishing (Sections 20, 21, 53 and Schedule 1 for General Fisheries (Alberta) Regulation and Schedule 1 Items 2(a), (b) and (c) of the Fisheries (Ministerial) Regulation.
  • Quotas, tolerances, zoning and gear restrictions for domestically and commercially fished waters.
  • Routine changes to the Alberta Guide to Sportfishing Regulations which includes water specific catch limits, size restrictions, use of bait and season for sport fish species.
If you have any queries please send them to the address below.

Thank you for contributions to the future of fisheries management in Alberta.

Yours Sincerely
Brian Joubert, Ph.D., IAP2 (on behalf of the Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development)
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2L6
Tel: (780) 917-8161