Time to say goodbye... — Oldman Watershed Council

Time to say goodbye...

Editor's Note: Yes, it's time to say goodbye to Leta Pezderic as she moves on in her career to take up a new role. Read all about it here—and please do get in touch with her—leta@oldmanbasin.org or @LetaPez to wish her all the best of luck). Farewell and best of luck to Leta!

To celebrate Leta's time with the OWC, thank her for her contributions and provide an opportunity to say farewell and best wishes, there is an informal, come & go celebration at The Owl Acoustic Lounge (411- 3 Avenue South) on Friday, April 24 from 4-6 PM.  Please join us!

Please join us in wishing Leta all the best as she leaves OWC to pursue a career with Nature Conservancy of Canada! We will miss her easy smile and caring personality. She has been a trusted representative and friendly face for the OWC over the last 6 years, responsible for building many of the strong relationships we have with partners and volunteers. Leta started with the OWC as an Executive Assistant but quickly recognized the need for a Program Coordinator to work with partners on projects and morphed into that role easily with her strength as a relationship builder. Over the years she has developed many new projects and events, always putting her all into every task.  Recently she has been championing new directions for OWC to improve volunteer engagement, youth connections, and program effectiveness. Leta's commitment to quality is unwavering and has been a big part of the OWC's reputation for engaging and inspiring events.

Leta has made many friends during her time at OWC and we are fortunate to know her and look forward to a continued relationship with her in her new role. We greatly appreciate all her hard work and dedication and wish her all the best!

From Shannon, Anna, Bev, and Connie who will miss Leta as a friend and colleague. 

A message from Leta

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye...

Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!

Well, I can't believe it's been over 6 years since starting with the OWC—where has the time gone?!  I think back to when I started when it was just Stephanie Palechek and myself—the OWC was up to their eyeballs in the State of the Watershed Report, the Rural Team was just pitching the idea of a Watershed Legacy Program, the Watershed Science Team was about to host its first Watershed Science Forum and the Urban Team was just launching the Prairie Urban Garden project!  Now as the OWC celebrates its 10-year anniversary, I can hardly believe how far we've come!  I am so proud to have been a part of it!

An opportunity has presented itself to me and I've decided to take it. I have accepted a position working with the Nature Conservancy of Canada as the Natural Area Manager for Southeast Alberta!  However, it is with mixed emotions that I leave the OWC—there are so many things I will miss. Most of all though, it will be the people—the dedicated and talented staff, the passionate working Teams, and the strong, supportive Board of Directors—it is through this amazing community of people that the hard work gets accomplished!

I've been so fortunate to spend my days with so many inspiring people throughout the watershed who have taught me so much about our spectacular basin and for that I am truly grateful!

Thank you and of course, let's stay in touch! (pezderic@gmail.com)
