Alberta has shaken the blues and .... orange you glad we're in the rose of health? — Oldman Watershed Council

Alberta has shaken the blues and .... orange you glad we're in the rose of health?

In time for the weekend, something to think about ...

Well, we've done it this time - picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and made it to the polls in greater numbers than in the last 22 years. Premier-designate Rachel Notley could make the difference for some of the challenges our watershed is currently facing.

WPACs of Alberta (Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils) have an important role to play: to advise government. And we've been doing it a long time. Key pieces of research like the State of the Watershed Report and the Integrated Watershed Management Plans, as well as key input into the South Saskatchewan Rgional Plan have had much work  - and much hope - put into them.

It was interesting to note that both rural and urban Albertans want change and are willing to work together. Combining the orange and the rose will make a brighter future for everyone who lives, works and plays in our beautiful and unique Oldman watershed. (Suddenly Jayme Cabrera Lopez' photo of the sunrise at the top of ths blog seems serendipitously appropriate.)

We look forward to the support of both NDP and Wildrose MLAs to make things different - and to make them better.

Here's what our Executive Director, Shannon Frank, had to say about the recent election and its implications for watershed management and health .... you may need to adjust your speakers a little ... have a peek at this recent video: <<< CLICK THIS LINK TO VIEW!!!

We'd love to hear your thoughts about this topic!