Register for the OWC AGM - Celebrating 10 Years — Oldman Watershed Council

Register for the OWC AGM - Celebrating 10 Years

(Editor's Note: We'd sure love to celebrate our 10 years with you! Please come on Tuesday, June 23rd at 8:30 to the Readymade Community Centre this year - it's just 10 minutes east of Lethbridge. See you soon :-) 


Tuesday June 23, 2015
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM MDT
Registration: 8:30 am - 9 am
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Readymade Community Centre is located at the corner of Highway 512 east and 512 north, approx. 20 km east of Lethbridge on Highway 512


We have accomplished a lot over the last decade and it's time to celebrate!

This year we are featuring our 3 big projects from last fiscal year - implementing the Headwaters Action Plan, a groundwater study near Fort Macleod and the addition of many new communications tools, like our new Oldman emblem!

We will also be electing four members-at-large, approving the audited financial statements and recognizing our Directors from the past decade.  Andrew Hurly, Vice Chair, is one of the founding directors and will share his thoughts on the past ten years and our major accomplishments over that time.

And, of course, there will be time to socialize with friends, meet new people, eat a yummy lunch and cake!

We are holding this year's AGM at the Readymade Community Centre this year and could use some help!  Check out the registration form and check what you might be interested in, and Bev will contact you.

Click on the link below to register - we'd love to see you there!

Register Now!

I can't make it