It's all happening at once! Come out to an event this week! — Oldman Watershed Council

It's all happening at once! Come out to an event this week!

There is a flurry of activity right now ... the Oldman thought you'd appreciate a little overview of upcoming events - in addition to the ones published in the recent OWC newsletter.

12 November *is a Southern Alberta Council of Public Affairs (SACPA) talk. It starts at noon and the venue is the Keg basement at Country Kitchen. *Minister Phillips will be presenting on: "Turning The Ship of Government Around?"

13 November at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre, Minister Phillips is announcing the Round 2 recipients of the Alberta Environment and Parks grants for their " Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program". Starts at 13:00.

19 November is another great SACPA talk at Country Kitchen at noon.This time the topic is "OHVs, Grasslands and the Oldman Headwaters". It is a joint presentation by the Helen Schuler Nature Centre, the Lethbridge Naturalists Society and the OWC. Spoiler Alert: GREAT PHOTOS!

01 December Green Drinks at the Owl Acoustic Lounge beginning at 4pm - everyone welcome. For more info on Green Drinks, please see OWC's recent newsletter

For more information on these or other events, please contact Anna at 1 587 224 3793