Protect the Castle -Hopefully once & for all! — Oldman Watershed Council

Protect the Castle -Hopefully once & for all!

There is some wonderful, wonderful, news coming from the Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) recently.  According to AWA, the Minister for Environment and Parks, Shannon Phillips, is moving forward on a election promise to (finally) turn the Castle Special Management Area into a Wildland Provincial Park.  After 50 years of campaigns advocating protection for this area, which never quite succeed, it almost seems too good to be true!!

Take Action

The final plans to make this a reality have not yet been determined.  In order to make sure this historic opportunity doesn't dribble away, the AWA is spearheading a letter writing campaign. 

It is clear there will be significant blow back to the Ministry from random camping, forestry and OHV interests if the decision is made for a provincial park.  It equally clear that there is widespread and deep support for this initiative throughout Southern Alberta.  This is the time to once again put 'pen to paper' in support  of the Castle!!  

All the details for writing a letter can be found here:

by Elspeth Nickle