JUST EAT IT - April 22nd is Earth Day! — Oldman Watershed Council

JUST EAT IT - April 22nd is Earth Day!

How changing the way we deal with our food can save us $31 BILLION Dollars!!!

Did you throw any food in the garbage this week? That squishy cucumber from the bottom of the produce drawer, maybe? How about that leftover jar of something from the back of the fridge?

All together, in Canada, we waste about $31 billion worth of food every year and nearly half of that is food that we’ve purchased but never eaten.

Part of the solution rests with you and I. To reduce your own food waste, try to plan ahead and buy what you need, learn to love your leftovers rather than throwing them in the garbage and get a composter to help keep vegetable scraps out of the landfill.

To learn more about food waste, Environment Lethbridge, Chinook Food Connect and the Oldman Watershed Council are focusing on food waste for Earth Day.

Join us on April 22 at 11:00 at the Lethbridge Library (Community Room) for presentations on reducing the food waste in our landfills. At 3:00, we will be screening the award-winning film “Just Eat It,” a documentary about food waste in North America at The Hub in our downtown office  319-6 St. S. in Lethbridge.
