OWC Rallies for Oldman Watershed Through GivingTuesday! — Oldman Watershed Council

OWC Rallies for Oldman Watershed Through GivingTuesday!

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 What is GivingTuesday?

Most people know about Black Friday and Cyber Monday …GivingTuesday in Canada is on November 28, 2017. 

It is a fairly new Canadian movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Cyber Monday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it is a day where charities, companies and individuals join together to share commitments, rally for favourite causes and think about others.

Is the GivingTuesday mission all about charity?

Yes, GivingTuesday is all about charity! It’s about creating a national movement for giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages donations and volunteering activities that support any and all charities and non-profit organizations.

How did GivingTuesday start?

GivingTuesday was started in Canada by a group of organizations including GIV3 Foundation,  CanadaHelps.org, and now includes over 5,700 partners. GivingTuesday was originaly started in the US in 2012 by the UN Foundation, the NYC 92Y and several other community organizations. #GivingTuesday, #GivingTuesdayCA, and #MardiJeDonne earned over 200,000 social media mentions and trended throughout the day on November 29th 2016. The movement also went Global, with activities in over 98 countries. Canadian online giving has increased by +353% since 2012 as measured by CanadaHelps.

GivingTuesday is just one day – what about the rest of the year?

GivingTuesday is “the opening day of the giving season”. Giving is a lifelong commitment, and a giving day is a special celebration, a reminder to all of us to think of others and our communities as well as ourselves. Of course, we also encourage giving back throughout the year, whether through donations, volunteering or making a change. 

GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities; it provides a platform for them to encourage the donation of time, resources and talents to address local challenges. It also brings together the collective power of a unique blend of partners - nonprofits, civic organizations, businesses and corporations, as well as families and individuals - to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. Across Canada and around the world, GivingTuesday unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another. GivingTuesday is more than a moment, it’s a movement.

 GivingTuesday Movement Supports Oldman Watershed Restoration Efforts

 Oldman Watershed Council provides a forum for all voices, working together to promote watershed health through education, stewardship, and collaboration. The Oldman Watershed Council is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency. CRA# 840029078RR0001

 The Watershed Fund – Because Water is Life! 


 A Sustainable Watershed Means Sustainable Funding

 The Watershed Fund is a tool that allows you to donate to support a healthy resilient watershed where people, wildlife, and habitat thrive and prosper. For a growing population and hungry world – for the beauty we call home – please help us mobilize hearts, minds and hands. We are all downstream.

 Your contribution will provide vital funding to continue to protect our environment, our economy and way of life in Southern Alberta. It has never been more critical. OWC works hard to stretch every dollar. When we develop programs, we do so in partnership with everyone operating in the arena, to cut overlap and leverage resources. Generous donations from people like you support 7 main projects and 12 community partnerships, in addition our exceptional communication and outreach on social media and through presentations and events.

 Click here to donate: http://oldmanwatershed.ca/donate

  Strong Partners, Sound Solutions

Far from a “behind-the-desk” organization, OWC is in touch with the land itself – and those who live, work and recreate here. We provide restoration, practical support, and education between backcountry, rural and urban contexts. Our Boots Are on the Ground.



Canada is known the world over for its natural, wild spaces –
yet piece by piece, drop by drop, we are losing what we value most.
With your help, this will change. Thank you!

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