Fun at the GALT This Summer! — Oldman Watershed Council

Fun at the GALT This Summer!

Editor's Note: Kids are the future managers of the watershed and OWC was proud to host 2 kids events this summer, in partnership with the Galt Museum & Archives and sponsored by ATCO. Together we inspired over 200 kids and parents to #loveyourwatershed!

Guest blog by Steven Brown, Galt Museum & Archives

During the months of July and August, Tuesdays are an opportunity for the Lethbridge community to engage in various activities at the Galt Museum & Archives. On JUL 25 and AUG 8, visitors to the Galt were treated to several games, activities, crafts, movies, and popcorn by the Oldman Watershed Council as part of our Summer Family Fun program.

The Oldman Watershed Council showed children the importance of water in our daily lives, and how vital the Oldman Watershed is to the Lethbridge area. Kids learned how to conserve water in their everyday activities, where our water comes from, and how you can protect your local water supply.

Having the Oldman Watershed Council proved to be very appropriate this year, considering the recent weather we’ve been having. This past July was incredibly hot and dry, with many farmers struggling with the severe lack of precipitation. One only has to take a quick peek at the coulees to see how yellow and dry everything is!

For the past few months, we have also enjoyed an exhibit in our gallery called Water in a Dry Land. It examines how a dry area like Lethbridge became one of the agricultural capitals of Canada. When you live in a dry land, you need to learn to share the water, just like the way we shared our programming space with groups like the Oldman Watershed Council!

Watershed Wonders (July 25)

Participants made a moving fish craft (with googly eyes!), put together a puzzle of the Oldman logo (which also tells the story of the watershed), explored a map of the watershed, and heard a story about water (with a guest appearance by Winnie the Westslope fish puppet!). There was also an opportunity to write down what you love about the Oldman watershed, and how you help take care of it. Thank you to everyone who participated - and well done on your fabulous fish!!
~Sofie Forsström, OWC Education Program Manager

Videos, Games, and Popcorn! (Aug. 8)

Attendees had the opportunity to watch 3 different educational videos made by OWC and partners. This was a chance to learn more about how you can be watershed heroes and help protect the environment - with a salty popcorn snack to enjoy on the side! First we found out more about our watershed...the Oldman Watershed, in the video "Where is your Watershed?//Oldman River" made in partnership with Agrium. Next, we shared some great science tips - how kids and their families can be good watershed stewards by changing practices at home and in their neighborhoods through the "Kids and Water Management" - City of Lethbridge, collaborative video! The last video showed us how the food we eat everyday is connected to the land and water through agriculture and what happens along the way through the "Kids Know Potatoes Come From Snow" - Potato Growers of Alberta, collaborative video! After the videos, everyone enjoyed some coloring, table games, puzzles and some farm toys to play with (many thanks to Alberta Irrigation Projects Association for letting us borrow their puzzles and farm toys for this event)! Thanks to all who attended for coming and learning about watersheds with us!
~ Taren Hager, OWC Office Manager/Watershed Legacy Program Manager

A HUGE thank you to ATCO for sponsoring these family events!