2019 Summer Events — Oldman Watershed Council

2019 Summer Events

Summer 2019 is filled with activities for the whole family to enjoy in the Oldman watershed. All these activities promote healthier living for everyone, as well as create awareness about the environment and the impact you have on it in your daily life. Members of the Oldman Watershed Council will be attending many of these events, and we would love to meet all of you! Whether you like outdoor activities, helping with the removal of invasive weeds, protecting shorelines, or live music, we have the fun summer schedule for you! ~2019 Outreach Assistants

JUNE 2019

Saturday, June 8: Nature Play Day (Henderson Lake, Lethbridge)

The Helen Schuler Nature Centre is hosting Nature Play Day June 8th from 12:00-4:00 pm at Henderson Lake Park in Lethbridge. Nature Play Day provides free outdoor activities, live music, and food for families and individuals to enjoy. Come play games at the OWC booth and score a sticker or tattoo!

Saturday, June 8: Kids Can Catch (Taber)

Learn to fish with your family in Taber between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Taber Trout Pond. 100 fishing rods and tackle boxes are being given away to families to learn the basics and spend some outdoor family quality time!

June 14-16: Waterton Artisan Fair (Waterton)

Part of the Wildflower Festival in Waterton National Parks, the Waterton Artisan Fair has a variety of nature-inspired and locally produced artwork and products to be seen. OWC and nature conservation groups will be there with an abundance of information to share.

Wednesday, June 19: Yellow Fish Road (Lethbridge)

Paint the town yellow! Yellow Fish Road promotes awareness about urban runoff pollution by painting yellow fish near storm drains to remind community members that storm drains are not connected to the wastewater treatment plant. All painting supplies will be provided during Lethbridge’s YFR Blitz event at Blackfoot Park West at 4:30-8:30pm.

Yellow Fish Road™ is a free storm drain painting program that runs June 19, July 17, and August 21.

Yellow Fish Road™ is a free storm drain painting program that runs June 19, July 17, and August 21.

Thursday, June 20: Weed Pull (Lethbridge)

Meeting at the Galt Museum Parking lot, volunteers will go to Indian Battle Park to identify and remove invasive weeds that can be found in Lethbridge’s local ecosystems from 5:00-8:00 pm. Bags, gloves, and information about the targeted invasive weeds are all provided.

Help keep Lethbridge beautiful! Join a weed pull on the 3rd Thursday of each summer month.

Help keep Lethbridge beautiful! Join a weed pull on the 3rd Thursday of each summer month.

Thursday, June 27: OWC AGM (Lethbridge)

Come celebrate our success and try our benefit brew at OWC’s 2018-2019 Annual General Meeting from 1:00-5:00 pm at the Enmax Centre Western Bank Lounge.

Thursday, June 27: Shoreline Cleanup (Lethbridge)

Lethbridge has been designated a Clean Shoreline Community! Help keep our Oldman River clean -  come to Indian Battle Park from 2-3 pm to pick up litter. No registration is necessary; just show up at the designated location at the time listed.

Help keep Lethbridge a proud “Clean Shoreline Community!” Join a shoreline cleanup on Thursday, June 27.

Help keep Lethbridge a proud “Clean Shoreline Community!” Join a shoreline cleanup on Thursday, June 27.

JULY 2019

Monday, July 1: Canada Day (Lethbridge)

Enjoy of events at Henderson Lake Park and Galt Gardens to celebrate our beautiful country’s birthday! It is free to attend with lots of vendors and food trucks (not to mention your friendly neighbourhood Outreach Assistants!), and once the sun sets, fireworks will be going off over Henderson Lake.

Wednesday, July 3: Shoreline Cleanup (Lethbridge)

Drop by Indian Battle Park from 6-8pm and help clean up garbage along the banks of the Oldman River. No registration is required, just show up at the proper time; all the supplies for a successful clean up will be provided.

Wednesday, July 10: CCWC Weed Pull (Castle)

Join the Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition for a full day of removing invasive weeds and reclaiming the area, having fun, and meeting new people! To register, call the CCWC office at (403) 627-5059 or Wendy Ryan at (403) 627-4106.

Thursday, July 11: South West Invasive Managers Field Tour (Lundbreck)

See in action the principles of invasive species management showcased at previous SWIM Workshops, including examples of spread prevention, demonstration of steam and bio-agent control, grazing management, emerging solutions for downy and Japanese brome, and so much more!

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Saturday, July 13: Blueweed Blitz (Pincher Creek)

The 16th annual Blueweed Blitz in Pincher Creek. Join other volunteers and local landowners to improve the health of the watershed near Pincher Creek by removing invasive weeds from the riparian area. (Last year’s Outreach Assistants took home the “Bent Back Award” for pulling the most weeds!)

2018 Outreach Assistants Dylan and Dorothy with their awards from Blueweed Blitz.

2018 Outreach Assistants Dylan and Dorothy with their awards from Blueweed Blitz.

Wednesday, July 17: Yellow Fish Road (Lethbridge)

Paint yellow fish to remind your friends and family that storm drains are NOT connected to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Ridge Park South from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Thursday, July 18: Weed Pull (Lethbridge)

Meeting at the Elizabeth Hall Wetlands parking lot, volunteers will be removing invasive weeds from the Elizabeth Hall Wetlands area from 5:00-8:00 pm. Bags, gloves, and information about the targeted invasive weeds are all provided.

Friday, July 19: 20th Anniversary Butterfly Count (Waterton)

Come be a lepidopterist for a day! Join butterfly experts and Parks Canada staff to catch, identify, and learn about butterflies. Registration required to participate: Contact pc.wlnp-volunteer.pc@canada.ca or phone 403 859-2224.

Saturday, July 20: NCC Cleaning Up the Corridor (Crowsnest Pass)

Do you like helping native wildlife? If you do, this is the event for you! Enjoy the Crowsnest Pass at Jim Prentice Wildlife Corridor from 9:30am-3:30pm and help remove debris to provide safe passage for native wildlife such as grizzly bears, cougars, and elk.

Saturday, July 20: Parks Day (Beauvais Lake, Castle PP)

Parks Day happens nationally every year on the third Saturday of July. Participating parks in Alberta host activities for the entire family to come out and enjoy and connect with nature!

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July 19-21: South Country Fair (Fort Macleod)

South Country Fair allows for people to expand their cultural horizons in Fort MacLeod through a weekend of experiencing a diversity of music, spoken word, and performance art in a outdoor folk music festival. OWC will be there - come say hi and get a beautiful tattoo!

Monday, July 22: 12th Annual West Castle Wetlands Ecological Reserve Weed Pull (Castle)

Bring a digging tool and a good attitude and stay for treats after! Meet at the Castle Mountain Resort parking lot at 9:30 am. Register by calling CCWC office at (403) 627-5059 or Wendy Ryan at (403) 627-4106.

Thursday, July 25: NCC Weed Pull (Waterton)

Join Nature Conservancy Canada to remove invasive weeds from Waterton Park so that native plants have their chance to flourish from 9:30am-3:30 pm.


August 1-5: Crowsnest Pass Doors Open & Heritage Festival (Crowsnest Pass)

Discover Crowsnest Pass' unique culture, heritage & history.

Monday, August 5: Heritage Day (Lethbridge)

Come celebrate Heritage Day at Fort Whoop-Up in Lethbridge from 1:00-4:00 pm and experience the pioneer way through hands-on activities from the 1800’s.

Wednesday, August 7: Shoreline Cleanup (Lethbridge)

Drop by the Elizabeth Hall Wetlands from 6-8 pm and help clean up garbage along the banks of the Oldman River! No registration is required; just meet at the proper time. All supplies for a successful cleanup will be provided.

Saturday, August 10: Knapweed Rodeo (Waterton)

Spotted Knapweed is an invasive plant that can take over native landscapes by releasing toxins from its roots and producing 12,000 or more seeds from a single plant. By pulling it before it goes to seed, we can keep this weed corralled and stop it from taking over critical wildlife habitat.

Monday, August 12: CCWC Front Canyon Reclamation Hike and Weed Pull (Castle)

A weed pull in partnership with Nature Conservancy of Canada at an old farm site in the canyon. It is about a 1.5 hour hike to the site, and there will be pack horses to help carry the weeds. Please bring a digging tool as well as pruners. To register, call the CCWC office at (403) 627-5059 or Wendy Ryan at (403) 627-4106.

Thursday, August 15: Weed Pull (Lethbridge)

Botterill Bottom Park. Pre-registering isn’t necessary for the weed pull, just arrive at the proper time and location, and all the tool necessary will be provided! Meet at the boat launch parking lot at 5 pm. We will be finished around 8 pm.

Saturday, August 17: Open Farm Days (Farming Smarter, Hwy 512, Lethbridge)

Experience, learn, and grow at Alberta Open Farm Days happening August 17th and 18th this year. Farmers and ranchers across the province open their gates and inviting their urban and rural neighbors to learn a little bit more about where their food comes from.

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Monday, August 19: CCWC Sartoris Road Weed Pull (Castle)

This is a great way to become familiar with some of Alberta’s invasive weeds as well as some native plants! We will be working along Lynx and George Creek and the Sartoris road. To register, call the CCWC office at (403) 627-5059 or Wendy Ryan at (403) 627-4106.

Wednesday, August 21: Yellow Fish Road (Lethbridge)

Paint yellow fish near storm drains to remind community members that storm drains are not connected to the wastewater treatment plant. All painting supplies will be provided during Lethbridge’s YFR Blitz event at Kodiak Park North from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.

Saturday, August 24: Farmers Market (Lethbridge)

Come visit the OWC at the Lethbridge Farmers Market from 10:00 am - 2 pm at the Exhibition Grounds! We will have a table with information about the watershed, interactive activities for kids of all ages to enjoy, and free swag for you to take home.

Monday, August 26: CCWC West Castle Valley Weed Pull (Castle)

This is the site of an old sawmill; 30 years ago it was heavily logged and now invasive plants are growing in the open meadow. There is an option to bike part of the way in to the site. To register, call the CCWC office at (403) 627-5059 or Wendy Ryan at (403) 627-4106.

There are tons of opportunities for you to volunteer in your community and to help care for the place we all call home! We would love to see the whole family get out of the house and attend these great events, put on by members of the community. There is a wide variety of events going on in Lethbridge and area throughout the summer - something for all ages and skill-sets - and we encourage you to engage in ‘boots on the ground’ conservation!