Welcome to Maria — Oldman Watershed Council

Welcome to Maria

Join us in welcoming OWC's newest Watershed Stewardship Assistant, Maria Albuquerque!

Maria came a long way before landing near the stunning Lethbridge coulees. Born and raised in Brazil, Maria spent most of her life in a tropical environment that facilitated many outdoor experiences and memories. Her passion for other living beings resulted in a Bachelor of Sciences and Education in Biology/Zoology at the Universidade de Brasília, in Brazil’s capital. Her first time in Alberta was during an undergraduate exchange program, when Maria attended the University of Alberta for 16 months and fell in love with the prairies and the Rockies.

Left: Collecting forest tent caterpillars as a summer intern at the University of Alberta Entomology Lab, Elk Island 2014. Right: First time in the Rockies, 2014.

When Maria was back in Brazil she started teaching biology and really enjoyed facilitating knowledge. Maria decided to return to Canada to complete a Masters of Arts in Education at Simon Fraser University. In the last couple of years, Maria has been involved with science and environmental education, including teaching student-teachers in the Teaching Program at SFU. Outside the classroom, Maria shared her passion for whales as a Marine Naturalist in the Salish Sea, and worked in the VanDusen Botanical Garden as a Research Fellow.

Facilitating whale watching tours in the Salish Sea, BC. August 2021.

Recently, Maria explored the winter wonderland in the Northwest Territories, where she worked as a substitute teacher and education support. No matter the weather forecast, Maria loves spending her time outdoors in nature, especially with her dog, Juju. Her professional goal is to strengthen the bridge between the scientific and public communities through collaborative environmental education.

Taking Juju for a walk in the Bush Pilots Monument, Denendeh, Yellowknife, February 2023.

Welcome to the team, Maria! We look forward to working with you!

Canada Day 2023, Henderson Lake. Photo by Shannon Hart.

Banner photo: Field trip to Pedra Azul, Brazil, 2 hours away from Maria’s hometown.
February 2022.
