City of Lethbridge River Valley Parks Master Plan — Oldman Watershed Council

City of Lethbridge River Valley Parks Master Plan


River Valley Parks Master Plan

The City of Lethbridge is in the process of updating the Lethbridge River Valley Parks Master Plan. The plan will set out a long term vision that will describe the value of this community asset and will guide how the river valley is used, balancing the preservation of the eco-diversity and the desire for residents to enjoy the use of the river valley. Background

In 2010 Parks initiated the Cow and Fish project which captured the health inventory of the Riparian Area of the River Valley. In 2012 the slope and plateau lands were analyzed and scored as well. With all of this base data now in place it is possible to create a comprehensive River Valley Master Plan that plans for current and future use, land ownership, policy guidance, biophysical inventory, recreation and heritage opportunities, connectivity, wildlife corridors, with the intent of creating guiding principles, functional concepts and park development plans. What's in the Study

  • A comprehensive River Valley Assessment
    • Current conditions (Biophysical, Recreational Programming, and Historical)
    • Gap Analysis
    • Public engagement
  • Functional Concept Plans
    • Develop a Vision, Principals and Strategies to guide future development
  • Master Plan Document
    • Implementation strategy
    • Policies that will guide future land use bylaw changes

Public Engagement: Phase 1 – Vision and Needs Assessment Phase 1 Results

From November 2014 to January 2015, Lethbridge residents, river valley users, and internal and external stakeholders were engaged to gather input about current uses of the river valley and to identify opportunities and constraints for future planning. Over 1,400 comments and ideas were provided though the various engagement activities. The following themes emerged during the first phase of engagement:

  • Circulation and accessibility
  • Connectivity
  • Natural environment
  • Maintenance
  • Amenities and facilities
  • Heritage
  • Safety
  • Enforcement
  • Governance

The summary of the input provided is available in the 'What We Heard – Phase 1 – Vision and Needs Assessment. A brief summary report is available here The full report is available here . The State of the Valley Report

The State of the Valley report provides the foundation for the development of the River Valley Parks Master Plan. The report presents an overview and analysis of:

  • Existing plans and policies
  • Biophysical and landscape ecological conditions
  • Visibility
  • Existing cultural and recreational uses
  • Gap analysis of recreational services
  • A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges (SWOC) analysis

The summary of report is available here

Vision and Principles

The vision represents what the River Valley aspires to be. A series of overarching principles will guide decisions to help achieve the vision. Vision

"The scenic Lethbridge River Valley is an iconic landscape providing a wide diversity of nature-based recreation in the heart of the city. Wise stewardship and careful management of this unique environment provides a balance of preservation and public use, ensuring the rich history and cherished natural character of the river valley is safely enjoyed for years to come." Principles

  1. Conserve the Natural Landscape
  2. Enhance Wildlife Habitats and Landscape Connectivity
  3. Ensure Sustainable Use and Management
  4. Make the Valley Accessible
  5. Ensure Safety
  6. Connect Parks and Pathways
  7. Improve Valley Amenities
  8. Honour the Natural and Cultural Heritage
  9. Inspire Stewardship

Get Involved!

We want to hear what you think about the draft river valley concept. There are many ways to get involved in phase 2:

Ryan Carriere

Parks Planning Manager

403 320 3019
