Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN! — Oldman Watershed Council

Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN!

Watershed Legacy Program is Now Accepting Applications!

As the busy season for landowners winds down, they will be shifting their focus to planning for the year ahead. If you happen to be a landowner, part of a watershed stewardship group or know somebody who is, the OWC’s Watershed Legacy Program can help with funding and other resources to help with your next land improvement project. From riparian fencing, off-stream watering sites, weed pulls to nutrient management projects, the WLP covers a wide variety of watershed improvement ventures.

If you don’t know me yet, my name is Cody Spencer. I’m new to the OWC and am very excited to be working with WLP. When I’m not running around the countryside for the OWC, I raise grass-fed bison as Sweetgrass Bison. Between working on a large ranch in the dry shortgrass prairie near Foremost, and raising my herd in the foothills parkland southwest of Pincher Creek, I’m able to gain a perspective of the varied terrain and natural resources we have here in Southern Alberta. In these semi arid landscapes, our water sources are the most important resources we have. What we aim to do with the WLP is to implement projects that ensure water and land quality for the future.

The deadline to apply is February 1, 2016, but it’s always good to get your application in sooner than later! To apply for the WLP, go to the application on our website ( to fill in and submit. You can also print it from the website and mail it to the Oldman Watershed Council at:

Attn: Cody Spencer, Oldman Watershed Council, 100, 5401-1st Ave South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4V6.

There is also a downloadable WLP brochure available online.

If you have any questions about the application or the program itself, please call or text me at 403-360-4572 or email I'd love to tell you all about the program and show you some past examples of projects we've done with other landowners. I look forward to hearing from you!