Watershed Legacy Program — Oldman Watershed Council

Watershed Legacy Program


Supporting rural land stewardship

Our watershed has some of the most productive farmland and ranchland in the world. The OWC is proud to be a "hands-on" organization and work directly with our rural stakeholders.

Our Watershed Legacy Program (WLP) provides the tools necessary for watershed stewardship groups (WSGs) and land-use cooperatives to take steps toward sustainable land management. By coordinating efforts throughout the basin, the WLP aims to conserve and enhance our natural resources and the rural way of life.

Drawing by Anna Garleff, colour by Jayme Javier.

Water is life. In the Oldman Watershed, we all rely on the same waters that watershed stewards are protecting through funds and technical assistance provided by the OWC's Watershed Legacy Program. The WLP provides resources to continue the tradition of conservation.

What is the impact?

  • Cooperative projects are funded

  • Cows are moved from streams, creeks, and rivers

  • Weeds are removed

  • People and stakeholders are engaged in educational events

  • People and stakeholders are enabled to do their own projects, learn, and share knowledge

What's Being Done

The WLP improves water quality within the Oldman Watershed by transforming the way our landscape is managed. During the program development, seven key categories were identified, under which landowners and WSGs could apply for funding:

  1. Riparian and Creek Restoration Projects

  2. Invasive Species Management Programs

  3. Wetland Restoration and Development 

  4. Nutrient Management Projects

  5. Land Management e.g. salinity, wildlife issues, recreational, etc.

  6. Water Quality e.g. home water testing

  7. Outreach, Communication, or Education programming 

The WLP funds projects fifty-fifty, meaning that we pay for one half while the individual or group pays for the other half, either through their own funds, time volunteered, or funding provided by other organizations. Members of the WLP Team also provide technical assistance for projects when required. There is an application process for the interested group or individual to receive assistance.

An important part of the program is communicating what has been learned, the challenges, and the opportunities of completed projects so that future projects can succeed. Recipients of the WLP submit a final report after their project is finished. Follow-up and monitoring are also crucial.


The WLP program accepts grant applications from individual producers, watershed groups, and other groups for funding opportunities. OWC opens up the application process once per year from December to February, and our WLP team reviews each application very carefully for selection.


Looking to implement a project? The OWC can help with the identification and prioritization of areas and resources required to maintain a healthy, intact, and local watershed. 

Technical assistance

The Watershed Legacy Program committee has the education and experience to provide assistance and advice when planning out your projects, all you need to do is ask.  It is made up of agricultural specialists who are able to fill in any knowledge gaps when it comes to technical fine-tuning of project details. 

If you have an innovative watershed stewardship project idea or any questions about the WLP, please submit an application or get in touch:

Oldman Watershed Council

Get Involved

Indigenous people, ranchers, and farmers have been protecting the water, the wildlife, and the land for generations. A legacy of conservation has been built and the Oldman Watershed Council wants to see it continue. Taking care of our watershed is everybody’s business and it’s good for business too. The Watershed Legacy Program provides resources to continue the tradition of stewardship—but we need your help! The WLP is reliant on donations, grants, and sponsorships to function effectively. You will know your money is going because you can choose a project to support.

Many of the activities that the WLP supports rely on volunteers donating their time! Activities like weed pulls and bio-engineering field days are a great way to lend a helping hand and enhance the health of our watershed.

With strong partnerships and financial resources, we can achieve long-term health in our watershed.