Alberta WPACs Collaboration Initiative — Oldman Watershed Council

Alberta WPACs Collaboration Initiative


OWC is just one of 11 Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils Of Alberta (WPACs) in Alberta; there is one for each major river. WPACs work in 4 main areas: 

  1. Convenor and collaborator

  2. Education and literacy

  3. Planning and policy

  4. Monitoring and reporting

WPACs meet regularly to learn from each other and to maintain a strong provincial voice with the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada. Together we shape the role and future of WPACs as leaders in watershed management, stakeholder engagement, and environmental education.

In 2022, the OWC started the Alberta WPACs Collaboration Initiative. The initiative strengthens relationships between WPACs, allows for mutual support, and assists us in addressing province-wide topics of mutual interest. 

What's Being Done?

The goal of this project is to strengthen the ability of WPACs to collaborate successfully by setting clear goals and developing guiding policies and procedures for how we work together as a collective. The process will strengthen the capacity of WPACs and our confidence in working collaboratively at the provincial scale. This way, we can have more impact and increase the recognition of Alberta WPACs.

As part of this collaborative work, the Alberta WPACs have developed a shared vision, mission, and value statements to guide decision-making.

WPACs were able to hire a temporary staff person to support their provincial scale collaboration with a grant from Alberta Ecotrust Foundation and contributions from all WPACs. The Collaboration Initiative Manager worked with all 11 WPACs to coordinate the work of the collaborative, as well as develop the decision-making framework.

Collaboration Initiative Committee

Thank you to committee members for steering the project:

  • Susanna Bruneau, Collaboration Initiative Manager, Co-Chair

  • Shannon Frank, Oldman Watershed Council, Co-Chair

  • Mike Murray, Bow River Basin Council

  • Josée Methot, Red Deer River Watershed Alliance

  • Meghan Payne, Lesser Slave Watershed Council

  • Kayla Hellum, Lakeland Industry & Community Association (Beaver River watershed)

  • Rhonda Clarke-Gauthier, Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance

Education and Outreach Committee 

The Education and Outreach Committee collectively presented a webinar on UN World Water Day in March of 2022. The theme for the UN World Water Day that year was “Groundwater: Making the Invisible, Visible”. Groundwater is a critical source of water for many, especially in rural Alberta. The speaker panel offered unique perspectives from hydrogeologist Dr. Brian Smerdon (University of Alberta), poet/professor Dr. Rita Wong (Emily Carr University), and artist/educator Api’soomaahka (Kainai Nation). It was a great event that showcased the positive collaborative work of WPACs. 

In advance of World Water Day that same year, OWC sponsored an hour of The Road Home on the CKUA Radio Network. Broadcasting across the province (and streaming online for listeners outside of Alberta), the sponsored hour featured music and poetry about rivers and watersheds and mentioned the important work WPACs do.

These province-wide events were funded by the EcoAction Community Funding Program.