Youth Education — Oldman Watershed Council

Youth Education


In addition to engaging adults in watershed science, OWC reaches kids with fun, hands-on, instructional activities so they can learn about water and the environment around them.

What's Being Done?

In 2021-2022 the OWC engaged over 550 youth through our fun and interactive programs. We had 73 students from two local schools submit 36 proposals to the provincial Caring for our Watersheds contest, and a project from Magrath Junior Senior High School placed in the top 10 (out of 275 proposals)!  

In July of 2021, OWC was invited to talk to the Junior Forest Rangers about benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and how these insects that live on the bottom of creeks tell us about the health of the stream, attended the Pincher Creek Children’s Festival in August, and taught Grade 5 students about animal adaptations during the Wetland Field Day at Police Outpost Provincial Park in September. We delivered our first two distance learning programs, both to classrooms and to individual students learning online at home. 

OWS also delivers “X-Stream Science,” a curriculum-based stream monitoring school program for junior/senior-high classes. This program was first developed by the Battle River Watershed Alliance and the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance, and we look forward to offering it in the Oldman watershed!